Dishes from liver stew with pasta recipes. Chicken Liver Pasta: Quick Recipes

Still, I decided to slowly replenish the heading "" on the blog.

Liver with gravy is good served with rice and potatoes (in any form), but, purely for the sake of speed, I suggest you cook this offal with regular pasta. Well, I like to cook quickly ... and I don’t like to bother too much in the kitchen ...

I’ll make a reservation right away, it’s completely optional for this dish to use exactly beef liver. And pork is suitable, and chicken, and turkey.

So the ingredients are:

  • beef liver - 600-800 gr.
  • medium sized carrots
  • a large onion (or several small ones)
  • A little vegetable oil for frying

For gravy:

  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream.
  • water 0.5 litas
  • salt and spices

All products are quite affordable and are available in any store. And the cost of the meal is relatively inexpensive. The indicated amount of ingredients is enough for me to cook a liver with gravy for a family of six. Of course, you still need to add a pack of pasta ...

And a tasty, inexpensive and, in my opinion, quite healthy dinner will be ready in 15-20 minutes (including washing and cutting all the ingredients).

The liver with gravy cooks quickly - just as much as pasta is cooked ...

How to cook beef liver with gravy

First of all, my main ingredient is the liver, we free it from the films and cut it into thin slices according to the type if you were cooking beef stroganoff.
In parallel with this, put a saucepan of water under the pasta on the stove.

Second, clean the onions and carrots. We cut the onion into cubes, three carrots on a coarse grater.

Third, heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan and place onions and carrots there.
Lightly fry the vegetables until the color of the carrot changes - by absorbing the oil, it becomes brighter, more yellow, like the sun.

Fourth, we send the chopped liver to the pan and, stirring, fry it on all sides.

I must say that the term "roasting" in this recipe is not entirely correct.

The liver is scalded rather than fried, as it is from a kind of pillow of carrots and onions.
Again, each piece should change color on all sides.

Attention! The most difficult thing in this dish is not to overcook the liver ... It is important to remember that this product is cooked quite quickly. And if the liver is "digested", then it will be hard, dry and grainy in texture. Of course, you can eat it in this form, but you want something tastier!

Reduce the "gas" and put out the fried pieces for just a couple of minutes.

Don't forget the water for the pasta. It must have already boiled, so you need to salt the water and throw the pasta into the saucepan

Making a gravy with sour cream and water

Pour two tablespoons of flour (with a slide) into the pan directly on the fried pieces of liver.
And then mix everything thoroughly. It turns out that the flour envelops each piece of the liver.
Further, in warm (but not hot) boiled water, dilute 2 tablespoons of sour cream in about 0.5 liters and pour this mixture into the pan.

Attention! If you didn’t have sour cream, then fill the liver with milk (about 0.5 l) or a mixture of milk and water - in the end you will get a white sauce

And again, mix the entire contents of the pan well. Do not forget to salt and season with black ground pepper or a mixture of peppers.

The flour will evenly disperse throughout the liquid and, as a result, brew into a delicious gravy.
Be sure to stir the gravy all the time. This is necessary so that, firstly, it does not burn, and secondly, so that there are no lumps in it ...

After everything in the pan boils, cook for just a minute over low heat. Close the lid and remove from the stove.

During this time, the pasta, according to the idea, should also be cooked. We drain the water from them, flavor with butter (so as not to stick together) and serve beef liver with gravy and pasta to the table ...

Bon appetit!

Pasta with pasta is delicious. Both ingredients do not take much time to cook, on the contrary, they are easy to spoil if overcooked on the stove. In addition to these products, sauces are prepared based on cream, cheese, or simply onions. Such dishes are best served hot, it is undesirable to reheat them so as not to lose their delicate taste. So it is worth preparing only the required number of servings.

A simple version of spaghetti

For this liver pasta recipe, you need to take:

  • three hundred grams of chicken liver;
  • 250 grams of spaghetti;
  • a small head of onion;
  • vegetable oil;
  • two tomatoes;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • spices to taste.

First, boil the spaghetti, following the instructions on the package. Throw them in a colander. When all the liquid drains, transfer them to a plate. Garlic is peeled, finely chopped, mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil. Seasoned with such a peculiar spaghetti sauce.

Crumble the peeled onion, send it to the pan, pour in a little water. Process the liver, add to the pan. Stew until ready. After the liver is cut into pieces, spaghetti is covered with it, poured with sauce from the pan.

Serve chicken liver with pasta in portioned plates, garnished with fresh tomato slices.

Appetizing pasta with beef liver

For this cooking option, take:

  • 400 grams of any pasta;
  • 500 grams of beef liver;
  • 200 ml of vegetable oil;
  • one bay leaf;
  • three heads of onions;
  • red ground pepper- taste;
  • salt to taste.

The liver is washed, the films are removed. Cut into strips. Onions are cleaned and washed cold water, cut in half rings, not very thin. Oil is heated in a frying pan, the liver is sent into it, fried over high heat, not forgetting to stir. When the pieces become rosy, add the onion. All mix, reduce the heat and cover the container with a lid. Roast for another five minutes. After spices are introduced, fry without a lid for another five minutes, so that the onion becomes a pleasant shade.

Boil pasta. For taste, add a bay leaf to the water, throw it into a colander. After the pasta is mixed with the liver, it is served at the table until the dish has cooled down.

Great addition to red hot pepper may also be a mixture of dried herbs. It softens the sharp taste of the dish.

Very tasty dish: list of ingredients

Such pasta with a liver will definitely appeal to many. They have a spicy taste and tart aroma. It also turns out that the liver is stewed in a very delicious sauce. For this dish you will need:

  • 500 grams of chicken liver;
  • 40 grams of butter and hard cheese;
  • 350 grams of pasta;
  • a couple of tablespoons of flour;
  • as many sunflower oil;
  • a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar;
  • 50 ml chicken broth;
  • two ripe tomatoes;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • onion head;
  • spices to taste;
  • a couple of bay leaves.

Also, for serving, you can take a bunch of fresh herbs, preferably dill.

How to cook pasta with liver?

Vegetables are washed. Garlic and onion are peeled, finely chopped. The tomatoes are cut into cubes. If you wish, you can remove the skin from them. But you can leave it as it is.

Chicken liver is washed, then dried. Cut into small pieces and then roll in flour. Sprinkle with your favorite spices and salt.

For cooking, it is better to take a deep frying pan. Heat vegetable and butter in it, fry onion and garlic on it until both ingredients become soft. Then put the liver. Fry it for three minutes over medium heat.

Add tomatoes, bay leaves, vinegar and broth to the liver. Simmer all ingredients together for about five minutes. After the bay leaves are removed, cover the container with a lid and leave for a while to cool the liver.

Boil pasta, throw them into a colander. Then the pasta is mixed with the liver, the dish is decorated with finely chopped greens and served. Sprinkle the finished dish with grated cheese.

Pasta in creamy sauce

For this cooking option, you need to take:

  • 250 grams of any pasta;
  • 200 grams of liver;
  • half a glass of heavy cream;
  • onion head;
  • spices to taste.

The liver is washed, cut into strips. You can use any liver for this recipe. Fry the pieces vegetable oil for five minutes while stirring. Finely chop the onion head, add it to the liver. Mixing, fry for a couple more minutes. Pour in the cream, add a little water. If desired, you can add some chopped greens. You can also use dried. Basil or oregano will give a wonderful aroma.

Season the dish to taste. Stew everything together under the lid for another seven to eight minutes.

Boil the pasta and then mix it with the sauce. Serve at the table while the dish is still warm.

Pasta cooks quickly, you do not need to mess with them for a long time. But eating them just like that is boring. Therefore, sauces or meat ingredients are added to them. Liver can be a great addition, both beef and chicken. It is also quickly fried to keep it soft and then topped with onions, tomatoes, cream or a variety of spices.

What to cook for lunch or dinner so that it is tasty and does not take much time is the eternal question of any housewife. If you also ask them often, then we will give you advice: pasta with chicken liver- a great alternative to many hearty and expensive meat dishes.

Our option is beneficial in many ways: cheap, fast, easy - isn't this the most important thing in cooking any family treat? Even if you do not like the liver - still try to make an appetizer out of it according to our recipe - you will like it.

Recipe for pasta with fried chicken liver in a pan


  • - 300 g + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • Pasta (any: horns, shells, spirals, etc.)- 150 g + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • 1-2 pcs. (or to taste) + -
  • - for frying + -

Fry step by step chicken liver with pasta and vegetables in a pan

Let's start our acquaintance with this delicious dish with a simple recipe. To implement it, you will need poultry liver available everywhere and everywhere, a few standard (as for gravy) vegetables and a little tomato juice to make the finished offal juicy.

In a word, there should not be any difficulties in cooking the dish - even a beginner will cope with the process.

Cooking and frying chicken liver in a pan

  1. We wash fresh offal in clean water, cut off films, veins and other waste from it, wash the liver again, and then cut it into beautiful strips of medium thickness.
  2. We shift the liver strips into a frying pan heated in oil and simmer them until the juice that is released during frying from the liver has completely evaporated.
  3. In the meantime, peel the onions and carrots, wash them and chop them. We simply cut the onion heads into cubes, and three carrots on a grater.
  4. Add chopped vegetables to the pan to the offal, mix the ingredients and continue to fry.
  5. Pour into the liver tomato juice, simmer the main ingredients with it for about 10 minutes. Remember that the juice should thicken.
  6. Finally, add pepper, salt and throw in a few leaves of laurel.

Getting Started Cooking Pasta

  1. Separately, boil our pasta until cooked.

You can lightly fry them in advance so that they do not boil while boiling. But if you bought pasta made from durum wheat varieties, then you can do without pre-frying and immediately send them to cook.

We serve the finished dish in all its glory and have a meal. We put the cooked pasta on a plate, put the liver fried with vegetables on top of them, and pour over the sauce in which the offal was cooked.

No additions are required when serving this dish. In one treat, we combine both a meat dish, and a side dish, and sauce for dressing, so after preparing a warm appetizer, you can immediately serve it to the table.

The only thing you can add to your creation is greens: it will decorate your pasta with liver, and at the same time give meat dish freshness and piquancy.

How to make tasty pasta with chicken liver sauce at home

This recipe will be even more original than the previous one. For boiled pasta, we will prepare the meat component in a special way: we will make a delicious tender gravy from it with a pleasant aroma of garlic.

Vegetables and greens will only enhance the impression of gravy, so if you want a hearty and appetizing meal, start cooking offal, especially since cooking does not last very long.


  • Pasta - 250 g;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Chicken liver - 500 g;
  • Olive oil - 50 ml;
  • Sugar - 1 pinch;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Parsley - 3 branches;
  • Canned tomatoes - 250 g;
  • Black pepper (ground) - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Celery - 3 stalks.

Chicken liver stew pasta recipe step by step

  • Chop celery stalks with onion into small cubes.
  • We rub the carrots on a grater (we use a grater only with large holes).
  • We heat the oil in a frying pan, put the vegetable slices into it and fry it, stirring from time to time, until it is half cooked.
  • We clean the liver from films, rinse it in water, send it to the pan with the fried vegetables.
  • We cut the tomatoes into cubes, chop the garlic and parsley and also pour everything into the pan.
  • While the offal with vegetables is languishing on the stove, we will deal with the other main component of the dish - pasta. To do this, boil the products in salted water until tender.

  • 10 minutes before the end of cooking the liver, pour the pasta into the pan, salt the frying with pasta, pepper and sweeten with a pinch of sugar. Mix everything thoroughly.

Serve a hot meat appetizer with pasta on a large dish warm. As an independent dish, it is ideal for a full lunch or dinner.

How to cook the best pasta liver: simple tips

You can improve and diversify the taste of a dish with the help of the most common and inexpensive ingredients. In order for the dish to change its culinary appearance every time, you need to be able to correctly and harmoniously combine all kinds of ingredients. We will talk about this in more detail later.

Which pasta is better to choose

In this matter, everything is quite simple and there are no restrictions. You can take absolutely any kind of pasta to prepare your snack: noodles, feathers, horns, octopuses, spaghetti, gramophone and many other types.

Firstly, the taste of the whole dish will change, and secondly, the appearance will become more attractive and unusual.

Do I need to add sauce to chicken liver

When you cook poultry liver, you can always make a special sauce for it. After all, frying in it, your offal will absorb spicy sauce notes, which means that it will become more juicy, refined and tasty.

You can use any sauce you like. Its taste will completely depend on your preferences, so you can put the most specific and non-standard products in it.

Sauce may include:

  • tomato juice;
  • broth (this option is especially good if you are preparing a dish for children);
  • alcoholic drinks, such as wine (but in small quantities);
  • all kinds of spices and spices;
  • hard cheese;
  • a variety of fresh herbs (parsley, celery, basil, dill, etc.);
  • frying vegetables;
  • sour cream or cream.

For more information on choosing the right chicken giblets, preparing them, and preparing them, see other articles on the site.

After reading our article, you will now know exactly what to cook if you need to organize a hearty meal at home, but hastily and inexpensive.

The simple cooking steps outlined in the recipes above and a few out-of-the-box but tried-and-true tips will get you up and running in no time. But the main thing is that you will be satisfied with the result, and this is our main task.

Bon appetit!

Naval pasta very quick dish to prepare. It comes to my rescue when there is not much time for a substantial dinner.

IN this recipe I use liver (poultry or pork), in principle there is no difference in cooking, the only difference is the taste.

This cooking technology, my husband taught me. And he was treated to such a dish by a friend who went to the seas with him.

Slavik especially loves when pasta lightly fried, i.e. they form a light crust.

Try to cook navy pasta with me, and then leave feedback on this dish.

The original composition of the products.

As we see our pasta, it has a simple composition: liver (any), onion, pasta, spices and bay leaf.

Step-by-step description of pasta in naval style with liver.

1. Preparation of ingredients.

Cut fresh or thawed liver into sticks 1 cm wide and 5 cm long.

Peel the onion and cut into medium pieces.

2. Fry the base of the dish.

Pour 6 tbsp into the pan. spoons of sunflower oil, turn on the gas at full power and wait for the oil to heat up. Add chopped onion to the heated oil - fry for 3 minutes, stirring constantly.

After 3 minutes, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, reduce the heat to medium, add the chopped liver, mix and fry for 5-7 minutes - no more. If the liver is overcooked, it will become dry and tough. I cook this dish on a medium burner.

Somewhere I heard that butter goes well with the liver (when frying), gives it an interesting taste, so I always try to use butter.

During this time, the liver will pick up the aroma of onions and will be ready for filling with water.

3. Final cooking process.

Pour 650 ml of water into a pan with fried liver. Pour salt (1 teaspoon), ground black pepper (0.25 teaspoon), seasoning for soup (0.5 teaspoon) and bay leaf into the liquid and wait for it to boil.

As soon as the liquid boils, we try it again for salt, if not enough salt, then add salt. We need the liquid to be slightly salty.

Pour the pasta into the boiling broth, so that they are covered with liquid by about 0.2 cm.

Cover the pan with a lid, let the pasta simmer for 1 minute, then reduce the heat to a minimum and continue to cook them. The first 7 minutes, the contents must be constantly mixed in order to avoid pasta sticking together.

Because we love pasta - al dente (slightly undercooked), then I cook them for 15 minutes, but if you like thoroughly cooked foods, then you need to cook them for 20-25 minutes. In any case, the dish must be controlled and cooked as much as its readiness requires.

The water is completely absorbed into pasta, now you need to add gas at full power and fry them for 2 minutes without leaving the stove, just make sure not to overdry the dish. After pasta fried, you can set the table and call the household.

Delicious navy-style pasta with liver is ready!

Bon appetit!

The main thing in all recipes is to combine pasta and liver through different sauces. Of course, even the easiest recipes have their own tricks. First of all, the water for pasta should be well salted and boiled only in a large saucepan. Well, you know perfectly well that the liver must be fried.

Naval pasta with liver

In naval pasta, meat can be easily replaced with liver, although this is not a classic recipe.

Recipe step by step:

Step 1. Pasta boil, after adding salt and a little olive oil to the water.

Step 2 Onion, tomato cut into small cubes.

Sha 3. Cleanse the liver from fat, films, bile ducts. Prepare the minced meat by passing the liver pieces through a meat grinder.

Step 4 In heated olive oil until cooked, first fry the onion, then the tomato.

Step 5 In a separate pan, with constant stirring, fry the minced liver, season to taste.

Step 6 Combine the fried vegetables with the prepared liver minced meat, boiled pasta, carefully move.

Step 7 Leave the dish on the stove over low heat for a couple of minutes.

Step 8 Sprinkle ready-made pasta with liver in a naval style with dill, drizzle with olive oil, cool slightly and serve.

Chicken liver with pasta

According to the recipe, you will need vegetable broth, but if only adults are at the table, we recommend replacing the broth with port wine.

Required products:

  • 250 g of fresh liver;
  • 100 g of quality pasta;
  • 60 g bacon;
  • fresh parsley leaves - 1 handful;
  • medium-sized garlic - 4 teeth;
  • 60 ml (3 tablespoons) vegetable broth;
  • 50 ml refined oil (preferably olive);
  • a handful of wheat flour;
  • 2 chili peppers (dry);
  • 8 g salt;
  • a pinch of black pepper.

You will need cooking time: 35 minutes. Calculation of calories per 100 g: 300 kcal.


Beef liver with pasta

Leave macaroni in a naval way for everyday life. But if you want something satisfying and unusual, then beef liver with pasta in tomato sauce - exactly what you need.

You will need for cooking:

  • 40 ml olive + 30 g butter;
  • 200 g beef liver;
  • large clove of peeled garlic;
  • large red onion;
  • 2 tomatoes of medium size;
  • 1 red hot pepper;
  • 250 g pasta;
  • sea ​​salt + herbs - add to taste.

The whole process will take: 25 min. Portion calorie content: 340 kcal.

Meal preparation:

Step 1. Boil macaroni until tender in boiling water seasoned with sea salt.

Step 2 cook tomato sauce: Heat olive oil and butter in a frying pan, fry crushed garlic. Then add the onion, cook it for two minutes, tomato slices (without skin), hot pepper rings.

Step 3 Remove the garlic from the pan, it is no longer needed. The last ingredient to add to the sauce is chopped beef liver. Cook 25 min.

Step 4 Add the pasta to the sauce and simmer a little more. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with chopped parsley and pasta with liver is ready to serve for dinner.

Chicken liver with pasta in a slow cooker

To cook chicken liver with pasta in a slow cooker, find the “Pilaf” program in the menu. Water in this mode evaporates well. Do not open the lid on the appliance during cooking.


  • pasta - 300 g;
  • package of chilled chicken liver - 500 g;
  • 2 medium-sized onions;
  • sour cream ½ - part of an ordinary glass;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 35 ml of refined oil;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • table salt - to taste.

The whole process will take: 30 min. Calorie portioned: 330 kcal.

How to cook a dish in a slow cooker:

  1. Peel the bulbs, chop finely. Set the appliance to the “Baking” mark. Heat refined oil in a multicooker bowl and fry the vegetable until golden brown or transparent - as you like;
  2. Rinse the liver well, blot with paper towels. Cut it into slices. Put in a bowl with onions, add sour cream, salt, ground pepper. Cook on the same mode for 4 minutes;
  3. Add pasta, stir gently. Pour in hot water just to cover the contents of the bowl. Season to taste. Set the program "Pilaf", cooking time no more than 12 minutes.

To summarize: from the simplest set of products you can cook delicious dish. For starters - well-known naval pasta. In them, the main component is minced liver. And if you do not like a dish with minced meat, then you can cook just a liver with pasta. How you cut it is up to you.