Easy halloween punch recipes without alcohol. Scary alcoholic cocktails for halloween

If you have not yet decided whether to celebrate Halloween, then we are in a hurry to dispel your doubts. Firstly, it's fun and interesting, and one more reason to meet your favorite friends is never superfluous. Secondly, this day of the calendar still has a sacred meaning, so if you want to protect yourself from evil spirits and dark forces for all the remaining days of the year, then you should have fun from the heart.

It's time to think about the menu. An important part of it is occupied by cocktails. Surprise your friends with interesting combinations of ingredients and spooky names.

We chose 8 best recipes cocktails that will perfectly fit into the surroundings of an ominous party.

1. Bloody Mary

Perhaps there is no better occasion to make this cocktail than Halloween. The name itself speaks for itself. By the way, Bloody Mary is a real character. Its prototype was the English Queen Mary I Tudor. In the memory of her compatriots, her name is associated with cruel massacres of objectionable citizens. When serving a cocktail, tell your friends a mysterious English legend. It is believed that if, while standing in front of a mirror in a dark room, you say "Bloody Mary" 3 times, you can see the ghost of the queen.


Tomato juice - 250 ml
Vodka - 100 ml
Soy sauce - 1 tsp
Smoked paprika - 1 tsp
Black ground pepper- 1/2 tsp
Lemon juice - 2 tsp

Cooking method:

Shake in a shaker soy sauce, paprika, pepper and lemon juice.
Add tomato juice and beat well again.
Pour into glasses. Pour vodka over the knife so that it does not mix with a mixture of juices and seasonings.

2. Grog

On such an ominous cold night, it would be nice to keep warm. Grog will do a great job with this task. It is a hot alcoholic drink with spices. The mixture of spices is brought to a boil, and then rum is poured into it. Cognac or whiskey can also act as an alcohol base. Non-alcoholic options are also possible, for example, using hot tea.


Apple juice - 100 ml
Dark rum - 60 ml
Lime (lemon) juice - 1 pc.
Brown sugar - 1 tsp
Cinnamon - 1 small stick
Fresh ginger - 1 slice

Cooking method:

Place all ingredients in a small saucepan and heat slightly until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Strain. The drink is ready.

3. Vampire Kiss

What's a Halloween party without a vampire? Only on this day you and your guests have a chance to get a vampire kiss. It is enough just to prepare the appropriate cocktail.


Orange juice - 120 ml
Vodka - 40 ml
Cherry juice - 20 ml
Sprite - to taste
Licorice - 1 stick

Cooking method:

Pour orange juice, vodka and cherry juice into a tall glass.
Pour the sprite on top and garnish with a licorice stick.

4. Witch's Potion

Another indispensable guest of the Halloween party is the insidious witch. Even if you are not going to have a sabbath in your apartment, have the sorceress's potion appear on your table. If this evening you tried on a witch costume, then show your acting skills. Charm the guests and offer a signature potion from the hostess.


Boiling water - 2 cups
Jelly with lime flavor - 1 sachet
Chilled pineapple juice - 3 cups
Vodka - 2 glasses
Sprite - 2 l

Cooking method:

Pour the contents of the bag of jelly into a saucepan, pour in hot water and stir until completely dissolved. Then add other ingredients.
Allow to cool to room temperature.

5. Black cat

Let a black cat run into your party. The preparation of such a cocktail will take quite a bit of time, and good luck will accompany you all year. After all, today we interpret all the signs exactly the opposite.


Raspberry liqueur - 15 ml
Black vodka - 60 m
Ice - 1 glass

Cooking method:

Mix raspberry liqueur, black vodka and ice well in a shaker.
Pour into a chilled martini glass.

6. Light and darkness

And this cocktail is reminiscent of the deep meaning of the holiday called Halloween. After all, this is not just a fun party, but also a symbolic day. All Hallows' Eve is the day when light mixes with darkness, and good with evil. The cocktail can be garnished with an orange. A circle of this fruit in a glass will be a symbol of light prevailing over a dark alcoholic mass.


Coffee liqueur - 200 m
Vodka - 100 ml
Cherry syrup - 50 ml

Cooking method:

In a shaker, mix liqueur, vodka and cherry syrup.
Pour into glasses.

7 Clockwork Gourd

The pumpkin is the most important symbol of Halloween. We are sure that at the entrance your guests will be greeted by a pumpkin head with a burning candle inside. On this day, the orange beauty is really used almost everywhere: in the preparation of themed dishes, in decorating the table. Do not forget about pumpkin when mixing cocktails. It will turn out a very original and spicy drink. Get ready to share the recipe with your friends.

So, we figured out the cookies. Now let's choose what we will drink: alcoholic, non-alcoholic, the main thing is that they correspond to the "frightening" theme. Red, blue, ominous, bloody, subtext and simple. Cocktails and drinks for a Halloween themed party.

Bloody-tini cocktail

Bloody Martini, or Bloody-tini. It doesn't look as scary as other Halloween cocktails, but that only adds to the beauty.

60 ml VeeV Acai Spirit (flavoured vodka)
30 ml berry juice (preferably bright red and thick in consistency)

15 ml lime juice
some champagne

In a shaker with ice, mix juices and vodka, shake. Strain into a martini glass, top with champagne and garnish with a lime wedge.

Cocktail "Kiss of the Vampire"

Suitable for Halloween, although ... and for Valentine's Day, too, is not bad.

45 ml vodka (Finland)
45 ml champagne
20 ml raspberry liqueur (Chambord)
red juice and sugar for decoration

Decorate the rim of the glass by moistening the sugar with any red juice or food coloring. Pour vodka, half of the liqueur into the glass, add champagne on top. Pour the rest of the liquor in a spoonful to the bottom to make a bloody sediment.

Cocktail "Hypnosis"

The recipe is simple to execute, and the appearance of the cocktail fascinates and hypnotizes. An excellent addition to the blue color will be a luminous decoration (inedible of course).

60 ml Hpnotiq liqueur (blue)
30 ml vodka

some lemon juice

Pour the ingredients into a shaker with ice, shake. Strain into a martini glass. Decorate with a glow stick.

Spider Kiss Cocktail

Looks very effective. For those who love sharp fruity notes.

chocolate syrup
30 ml melon liqueur (Midori Melon Liqueur)
30 ml vodka
freshly squeezed lemon juice
orange slice

Take a cocktail glass, use chocolate syrup to draw a web on the inside, put the glass in the refrigerator so that the chocolate freezes. In a shaker with ice, mix vodka, lemon juice and liqueur. Strain the mix into a glass. Drip grenadine for a bloody effect. Garnish the glass with a slice of orange, previously dipping it in chocolate syrup.

Cocktail "Green Ghost"

This sweet and mild enough cocktail is a blend of 3 liqueurs without the addition of harder alcohol. To make the drink look as impressive as in the photo, you need to try with the design of the glass.

1 teaspoon green melon liqueur (Midori Melon)
1/2 part Yellow Chartreuse
1/2 part ginger liqueur (Canton Ginger)

ginger beer

Pour the first 3 ingredients into a shaker with ice, shake. Pour into glass. Paint a cocktail glass with molasses, freeze. Pour the mix into a prepared glass, top with ginger beer.

red punch

Berry non-alcoholic cocktail. Good for a big company. A huge bowl of blood-red drink, decorated with fake horror stories (for example, spiders).

3 cups cranberry-raspberry juice or fruit drink
3 cups sparkling water

1 cup berry puree (strawberries, raspberries…)
cup of crushed ice

In a bowl or large pitcher, combine juice, water, puree, and ice. Mix well. You can decorate and pour into glasses.

Hot and spicy punch

Non-alcoholic and very flavorful punch (about 16 servings)

2 oranges
8 cloves (whole)
6 cups apple juice
1 p

cinnamon tree
1/4 tsp grated nutmeg
1/4 cup honey
3 tbsp lemon juice
2 1/4 cups pineapple juice

Preheat oven to 175°C. Insert cloves into whole oranges and bake for 30 minutes. Combine in a large saucepan Apple juice and a cinnamon stick. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in nutmeg, honey, and lemon and pineapple juices. Serve the punch hot with roasted oranges in a pitcher.

orange punch

oranges (4 small or 2 large)

1 grapefruit

1 lemon

1 liter of sparkling water or champagne (depending on what you want to create: alcoholic or not

6-7 art. l granulated sugar

ground nutmeg, on the tip of a knife

Peel the oranges, cut them, roll them in sugar, leave for an hour, you should extract the juice, you can slightly ceiling. Then add nutmeg, lemon juice, grapefruit juice and sparkling water or champagne. We mix everything. Pour into a jar or special mugs.

Dracula's Kiss Cocktail

An interesting cocktail with layers. The beautiful combination of black and red really reminds me of Dracula.

30 ml vodka (Effen Black Cherry Vodka)
15 ml grenadine
maraschino cherries for garnish

Cover the bottom of the glass with grenadine. Add ice, vodka. Carefully pour in the cola without mixing the layers. Garnish with cherries and serve.

bloody champagne

Champagne, great for making various cocktails. One of them is based on the juice of red oranges, which gives the drink a bloody color.

1/4 cup Crime de Cassis
1.5 cups juice from 6 red oranges (strained)
1 bottle of chilled champagne (dry or semi-dry, can also be replaced with sparkling wine)
orange slices for garnish

Divide the liqueur into 8 glasses, add 3-4 tablespoons of juice to each, pour in the champagne, mix. Garnish and serve immediately.

Vampire Juice Cocktail

Vampire Juice is a modified Bloody Mary. It all depends on how you present it.

60 ml Finlandia Lime vodka
120 ml tomato juice
1/2 tsp fuck
a few drops of hot sauce

Put ice in a highball, pour in vodka, sauce, horseradish and tomato juice. Stir. Add celery. For decoration, take a radish, peel the skin so that you get streaks. Cut out the core and insert an olive there, which can be stuffed with something beforehand. Prick an impromptu eye on a cocktail stick. The glass can also be doused with tomato juice and pre-frozen to get bruises.

Cocktail «Mad Eye Martini»

This cocktail can be scary. After all, they decorate it with a terrible eye, although it is rather difficult to make a believable decoration.

15 ml Hpnotiq liqueur
30 ml vodka
60 ml lychee juice
1 lychee
1/4 teaspoon cherry, strawberry or raspberry jam
1 blueberry or blueberry

Pour liqueur, vodka, juice into a shaker with ice, shake, pour into a glass.
Spooky Eye: Peel the lychee, fill it with jam. Then place the blueberry on top of the hole with the jam. Prick all this on a cocktail stick and put on a glass.

Cocktail "Sweet witch"

A sweet but insidious cocktail. However, for an amateur.

45 ml absinthe (Lucid Absinthe)

20 ml almond syrup
15 ml fresh lime juice
3-4 cherries

sparkling wine or champagne

ground nutmeg

Crush cherries with syrup and lime juice, add absinthe and ice, shake. Strain into prepared glass, top with sparkling wine or champagne. Sprinkle with nutmeg, garnish with a cherry on a skewer. Serve.

Halloween isn't just about spooky costumes, it's about spooky food and drinks, too! Moreover, everything is terrible in them: both the names and the appearance. An eye pricked on a fork, brains in a bowl, goblets of blood or marsh gas-colored drinks glowing deathly in the dark… Brrr!.. Horror! Horror!

Here's how to create all this horror in your kitchen, we'll talk. In order for your party to be imbued with the spirit of gothic and thrash, you do not need to run to a specialized store of creepy jokes or learn how to cook super-complicated dishes and drinks. There are a lot of tricks and little things that will help turn an ordinary, in general, dish into something unimaginably nightmarish. For example, a bloody eye cocktail decoration looks creepy but is easy to make. We take a radish and peel the skin so that red streaks remain on a white background. Cut out the center of the olive. Stuff the olive with red pepper or blueberries. We collect our bloody eye: insert an olive into a radish and prick this structure on a cocktail stick.

The Chinese lychee fruit can also be made into a wonderfully believable eye: dry the lychee fruit, fill it with bright red jam, insert a blueberry and prick it on a straw or cocktail stick. These "eyes" can be frozen in ice cube trays - just fill them with water and you'll have spooky ice cubes in your glasses.

Ice in the form of a severed hand in a punch bowl - how do you like such a surprise? Your guests will appreciate it! Take a cleanly washed glove and fill it with water or juice. Remember that not all juices freeze! Put the filled glove in the freezer. Before removing the "hand" from the glove, dip it for a few seconds in boiling water. You can freeze gelatin worms and spiders into ice cubes, you get great ice for witch drinks!

It is also easy to braid a glass of drink with disgusting cobwebs. Melt bittersweet chocolate in milk or cream, draw it into a disposable syringe and quickly apply a spider web pattern to the inside walls of the glass. It is clear that the drink should be transparent.

Well, the classics of the genre - bloody smudges - it's generally simple. Mix bright red opaque juice with swollen gelatin, heat until gelatin dissolves and cool slightly. Dip the edges of the glasses in the resulting "blood" and quickly turn over so that drops flow picturesquely down the glass. To enhance the resemblance, put a few bruises on the walls of the glasses and put the glasses in the refrigerator.

Bright red grenadine syrup will help you turn even an ordinary glass of vodka into a vampire drink: pour the grenadine into the bottom of the glass, put ice and carefully pour in the vodka so that the grenadine remains at the bottom.

Halloween cocktails must be in incredible colors! Absinthe, which, when mixed with water, gives a cloudy green color, liqueurs of all shades of red, Hpnotiq blue liqueur, as well as black vodka, will come in handy. Black vodka is generally a godsend for a horror movie-style party. Even the classic "Bloody Mary" with black vodka looks completely different, like Halloween, or something ...

Disgusting in appearance and delicious in taste is a cocktail that looks like brains in a glass. It is also easy to cook: in any strong alcoholic drink you need to carefully add the Baileys liquor. This is done using a cocktail tube - we draw liquor into the tube, pinch it with your finger so that the liquor does not flow out, and release it into a glass with vodka or gin. Liquor at the same time curls up into balls. If the trick does not work, then drink the failed cocktail and start over.

Well, we figured out the embellishment, it's up to the recipes. They are mostly simple and do not require mastery of a shaker. If you can pour the layers of the cocktail without stirring - great!

80 g strawberry vodka,
40 g Baileys liqueur
20 lime or lemon juice

Mix vodka and lime juice in a shaker, strain through a strainer into a shot glass. Pull a little liquor into the straw, pinch the upper end with your finger and dip the straw into the vodka. Slowly release your finger and release the liquor in thick strands. Add grenadine, mix a little.

Vampire Bloody Mary Cocktail

60 ml of vodka,
120 g tomato juice,
½ tsp grated horseradish,
a few drops of hot sauce.

Fill the edges and walls of the glass with streams of "blood", put the glass in the refrigerator. When the drops of "blood" harden, put ice in a glass, pour in vodka, put horseradish, drip spicy sauce and add tomato sauce. Stir, garnish with a sprig of celery and a bloody eye of radish.

50 ml vodka,
50 ml of champagne,
20 ml raspberry liqueur.

Decorate the rim of the glass with drops of "blood". Pour vodka into a glass, 10 ml of liquor, then champagne. Pour the remaining liquor along the knife to the bottom to form a sediment.

lady's cocktail

45 ml absinthe,
20 ml almond syrup
15 ml lime juice
20-30 ml of champagne,
3-4 cherries,
ground nutmeg.

Mash the cherries with syrup and lime juice, add absinthe and ice, shake. Strain into prepared glass, top with champagne, sprinkle with nutmeg. Garnish with a cherry on a skewer.

45 ml black vodka,
½ stack freshly squeezed tangerine juice
¼ stack. ice.

Pour ice into a tall glass, add juice. Carefully add black vodka along the blade of a knife or with a teaspoon, being careful not to mix the layers.

30 ml black vodka,
60 ml cherry juice
raspberries and strawberries for decoration.

Vigorously mix the vodka and juice. Pour into a martini glass, add ice, garnish with a toothpick and berries.

Crazy Eyes Cocktail

15 ml blue liqueur
30 ml of vodka,
60 ml lychee juice
1 lychee for garnish
some red jam
1 blueberry.

Mix vodka, liqueur and juice in a shaker, shake, pour into a glass. Make a crazy "eye", stick it on a cocktail stick, put it on a glass.

TOoctail "Hypnosis"

60 ml blue liqueur
30 ml of vodka,
5 ml lemon juice
glow stick for decoration.

Mix all ingredients in a shaker, shake, strain into a martini glass. Decorate with a glow stick. The look of this cocktail is simply mesmerizing!

30 ml absinthe,
30 ml lemon or lime juice
30 ml melon liqueur
45 ml pineapple juice
a drop of grenadine

Mix liqueur, absinthe and pineapple juice in a shaker with ice, strain into a glass. Pour lime juice on top and sprinkle grenadine. A drop of bright grenadine spreads in a glass, evoking associations with poison.

30 ml Chartreuse liqueur
30 ml absinthe,
10 ml green Curacao,
50-75 ml of milk,

Mix the alcoholic drinks in a glass with ice, then carefully pour in the cold milk, being careful not to mix the layers.

45 ml of vodka,
45 ml lime juice
sugar for decoration

Moisten the rim of the glass with water and dip in sugar, you get a "hoarfrost". In a blender, whisk vodka with juice and ice, carefully pour into a glass, garnish with a lime wedge.

30 ml of vodka,
30 ml coffee liqueur
15 ml Baileys liqueur
15 ml schnapps with creamy toffee flavor,
150 ml of milk.

Mix alcoholic drinks in a shaker with ice, pour into a glass, carefully pour milk on top.

Happy Halloween! And remember - bust with alcoholic drinks in the evening can turn your morning into a real nightmare ...

Lives in the closet. Even the interior is themed. So, it's time to take care of the drinks.

Zavodila.com presents five spooky on the outside but delicious on the inside Halloween cocktails.

See recipes for awesome snacks.

1. Vampire kiss

They say that vampires are great lovers. They always start by kissing a woman's neck. And they do it with such passion that the ladies lose consciousness, and sometimes their lives ... But at the same time they retain honor! Therefore, the first cocktail is dedicated to fanged hero-lovers.

Black vodka - 30 ml
Lemon juice - 15 ml
Cranberry juice - 30 ml
lemon peel
corn syrup
Red food coloring


  1. Mix a few drops of food coloring with corn syrup in a shallow bowl.
  2. Dip the rim of a champagne glass into a bowl of syrup. Turn over and put on a leg so that the "blood" runs down the glass.
  3. In a shaker, mix vodka, lemon juice and cranberry juice. Pour into glass.
  4. Pour champagne into a glass, garnish with lemon peel.

2. Bubbling Blood Witch Cocktail

What's Halloween without a witch? Without that sly hag with the wart on her nose? And her smoking potions? That is what we will do.

Carbonated soda water - half a glass
White rum - a quarter of a glass
Grenadine syrup - a tablespoon
Dry ice - 1 cube.


  1. In a whiskey glass, mix rum, grenadine and water.
  2. Gently add the dry ice cube to the glass with tongs.
  3. Immediately put on the table while the "smoke" effect is in effect.

3. Storm, aka Brain Hemorrhage

The look of the cocktail is mesmerizing. Just have a drink and recharge with storm energy or someone's brains.

peach schnapps
Baileys Irish Cream liqueur
Blue Curacao Syrup
Syrup Grenadine


  1. Pour peach schnapps into a glass
  2. Add Baileys, carefully pouring over the blade of a knife or spoon so that the liquor stays on top.
  3. Add syrups.

4. Black Widow

Rumor has it that one Black Widow cocktail can turn an evil witch into a good witch, two cocktails into a lustful witch, and three into a fail-safe witch. But do not overdo it, otherwise it can turn into firewood.

Black vodka - 40 ml
Cranberry juice - 15 ml
Cocktail cherry - 1 piece
crushed ice
red sugar


  1. A small glass (a sherry glass is suitable) garnish with red sugar along the rim. To do this, moisten the rim with lemon juice and dip in sugar. Red sugar can be obtained by adding liquid food coloring to it and mixing thoroughly.
  2. Fill glass with ice.
  3. Pour cranberry juice into ¾ glass.
  4. Carefully pour vodka over the knife blade.
  5. Decorate with a cherry.

5. Jar with eyes

I think this cocktail is following me!

Ingredients (per 300 ml glass):
Fresh (or fresh-frozen) blueberries
Canned lychees and syrup from them (or any other) - 1 tablespoon
Blueberry or blackcurrant juice - 120 ml
Lemon or lime juice - 15 ml
Carbonated water - 80 ml
Gin or vodka - 40 ml
Ice (optional)


  1. We make “eyes” by stuffing blueberries (1-2 pieces each) into lychees. A more affordable option is to cut out eyeballs from apples, pardon the pun. Wrap in foil for baking and place in the freezer for an hour. Before tossing the finished "eyes" into the glasses, let them thaw slightly so as not to accidentally choke.
  2. Mix juices, syrup, gin (or vodka) and pour into a tall glass.
  3. Add sparkling water.
  4. We throw our "eyes" into the glass.

Great holiday to all and a clear head in the morning!

The most terrible holiday of the year is approaching (I do not take into account the classic Christmas binge). On Halloween, you want to throw a noisy party. But how do you become original hostess at no extra cost?

Thematic decoration of the house according to all the canons will cost a pretty penny. Therefore, we will manage with a minimum amount of terrible tinsel. Each guest will make costumes and makeup himself. Here you are clearly unable to influence the choice of images, otherwise you risk turning the general fun into a social event with a mandatory dress code. It remains to decorate the table in an original way.

On Halloween, few people overeat salads and squeeze in an extra portion of chicken and mashed potatoes. But the drinks disperse with a bang. Agree, any gatherings in an adult company are not complete without alcohol.

Since you still have to buy booze, let's give the usual products a gloomy halo. Guests will remember your unique cocktails for a long time, if, of course, they know the measure in use.

1. Eyeballs

Ingredients for 20 servings:- 20 pieces of peeled olives;
- 20 blueberries or cranberries;
- 1 bottle of martini.

Cooking method

Place the berry in the opening from the stone. Fix the structure with a toothpick. Throw in a glass, pour martini.

2. Elixir of Mr. Hyde

Ingredients for 4 servings:- 250 g of vodka;
- 125 g of cream liqueur;
- 125 g of berry liqueur;
- 50 ml of syrup;
- juice of half a lemon;
- 8 pieces of blackberries;
- dry ice (optional)

Cooking method

String blackberries on decorative skewers (you can use lavender sprigs or any other flowers with a hard stem). Set the decor aside.

Mix vodka with lemon juice. At the tip of the knife, carefully pour in the ingredients in layers in the following order: cream liqueur, berry liqueur, syrup, vodka with juice. Carefully place the blackberry skewers into the liquid. Pour some dry ice smoke into the glass.

The method of preparation for the lazy involves a simple mixing of the ingredients and the addition of dry ice directly into the glass before serving. Either way, this Halloween cocktail will unleash your guests' alternate personalities.

3. Bride of Frankenstein

Ingredients for 2 servings:- 100 g of condensed milk;
- 60 g of vodka;
- 30 g of chocolate liqueur;
- 60 ml of milk;
- 20 g of chocolate syrup;
- 2 tbsp. l. Nutella oils;
- ice;
- sweets with soft filling for decoration.

Cooking method

Mix the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour into glasses, add ice. Thread sweets onto toothpicks. Insert into the finished cocktail.

4. Master and Margarita

Ingredients for 1 serving:- 3-4 ice cubes;
- 1 lime;
- 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
- 50 g of tequila;
- red wine or red syrup.

Cooking method
Place the first 4 components in a blender and mix in the "Ice crushing" mode. Pour into glass. At the tip of the knife, inject the red substance. The thicker it is, the more likely you are to get a layered Halloween drink.

5. Witch's Heart

Ingredients for 1 serving:- 30 g of vodka with apple flavor;
- 1 tbsp pomegranate juice;
- 30 g of purple Viniq liqueur or 10 ml of currant syrup;
- dry ice (optional)

Cooking method
Pour dry ice powder (about ½ tsp) into the bottom of the glass. Pour vodka. Introduce liquor (syrup) into the middle of the vodka layer with an ordinary medical syringe or at the tip of a knife. Gently drizzle pomegranate juice onto the surface. Steam from the dry ice will begin to rise from the cocktail as it is stirred.

6. Alice in Wonderland

Ingredients for 4 servings:- ¾ st. vodka;
- ¼ st. grenadine;
- 10-15 ml of food flavoring "Baked milk" or "Vanilla".

Cooking method
Mix the ingredients in a jug or saucepan. Pour into identical 50 ml bottles. Close with corks, attach "Drink me" tags. Very simple Halloween cocktails will leave a lasting impression due to an unusual presentation.

Ingredients for 10-12 servings:- 1 pack of any acid-colored jelly (kiwi, lemon, grapes);
- 300 ml of boiling water;
- 100 g of vodka;
- food coloring;
- 3 tablespoons Sahara.

Cooking method
Color the sugar. Let him dry. Mix vodka with boiling water, dilute the jelly with this liquid, according to the instructions on the label. Pour into small plastic glasses. Send to the refrigerator until thickened. Sprinkle the top with contrasting colored sugar.

8 Unicorn Blood

Ingredients for 4-5 servings:- 200 g of frozen raspberries;
- 5 tsp Sahara;
- 4 tbsp. l. water;
- 1 tbsp. l. confectionery glitter;
- 200 g of vodka;
- 100 g of lemon or orange syrup.

Cooking method
Rub the raspberries, water and sugar through a fine sieve into a puree. Mix vodka with colored syrup. Place mashed potatoes on the bottom of the glass, pour alcohol and sprinkle with confectionery sparkles.

9. Hocus pocus

Ingredients for 3-4 servings:- 2/3 st. nectar "Multifrukt";
- 1/3 st. coconut rum;
- 0.5 l of highly carbonated water;
- black sugar or confectionery sparkles;
- honey.

Cooking method
Lubricate the edge of wine glasses with honey and sprinkle with sugar or sparkles. Brush off excess with a brush. Let dry a little in the freezer. Mix juice and rum. Pour carefully into pretty glasses. Just before serving, add soda to create bubbles.

10 Vampire Kiss

Ingredients for 2 servings:- 60 g of tequila;
- 30 g of lemon juice;
- 8 blackberries;
- 5 leaves of fresh sage or mint;
- 1 tsp cherry syrup;
- dry ice (optional)

Cooking method
Grind mint and blackberries in a blender. Mix tequila, lemon juice, cherry syrup and berry puree. Shake well in a shaker. Before serving, pour into a glass of regular and dry ice. Pour over prepared cocktail.