Milk soup with vermicelli. The most famous recipes

Dairy diet can be very effective for many people if their goal is to lose weight and improve the body. It never hurts to return to the body some of the natural functions that it has lost along with the years it has lived. Especially with the help of such a long-familiar and beloved product.

As a rule, dairy products are suitable for everyone, regardless of age, gender, weight, etc. The exception is only a few percent of the general population. There are people in whom individual intolerance to milk has passed into the category of allergic diseases. For them, of course, a dairy diet is contraindicated.

The milk diet for weight loss is not new, it is time-tested and has many adherents.

Who benefits from milk

Milk is a popular product that is known to every person from early childhood. As we grow older, we stop drinking milk and consuming fermented milk products in such large quantities as we did in infancy. However, for the harmonious development of dairy products every person needs in his "adult" life. It is no coincidence that a newborn baby eats only milk for the first few months. After all, milk contains many useful substances necessary for growth.

How milk affects the body and what is in milk

Few people consider milk as a product rich in a variety of substances. We are used to hearing from childhood that milk is good for health. And how useful, why - we do not delve into the meaning. However, the composition of ordinary cow's milk includes at least one hundred different components. This minerals, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, fatty acids, milk sugar, etc.

Thanks to milk proteins, the human body is enriched with essential amino acids, which are not synthesized on their own, but can only come from food. These acids include methionine, a sulfur-containing amino acid that normalizes the cholesterol process and is very important for liver function. A sufficient amount of methionine guarantees the prevention of a disease such as atherosclerosis. The immune bodies and hormones contained in milk increase the body's resistance to various diseases and protect against bacteria.

The higher the fat content in foods, the more vitamins are dissolved in them. Milk contains fat-soluble vitamins E, A, K and D. Dairy products are also rich in vitamins that dissolve in water. These are B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12, pantothenic and folic acids, biotin, etc. In addition, it is from milk that the human body receives the necessary calcium. Age-related changes in bone tissues occur largely because calcium is washed out of the bones and they become brittle. Good calcium absorption is provided by lactose contained in fermented milk and dairy products.

For people who suffer from gastritis, frequent consumption of milk, especially goat milk, is very beneficial. It acts on the gastric mucosa, restoring the natural environment and improving digestion. And who does not know the popular recipe for insomnia - a glass of warm milk with one spoon of honey? Milk is recommended to drink in the evening with violations of night sleep.

Milk for weight loss

Constantly harassing our own body with frequent diets, fasting days, physical activity and infringing on ourselves in many ways, along with losing weight, we exhaust the body, bringing ourselves to exhaustion. The milk diet for weight loss is fundamentally different from other diets precisely in that milk replenishes the missing substances in the body. The effect of the milk diet is based on improving the functioning of the digestive organs., and consequently, on the acceleration of metabolism. The stomach begins to work better and better.

To lose weight on milk, you need to introduce as many dairy and sour-milk products into the diet as possible. This is best done gradually by combining yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat milk, etc., with other low-calorie foods. For a week or 10 days of such nutrition, you can easily lose up to 6 kg of excess weight in weight. Depending on your desire, you can choose the most comfortable diet for yourself. Dairy diets differ in the degree to which milk is combined with other foods.

Rigid milk diet for weight loss

Such a diet is designed for persistent and purposeful people who are determined to go all the way. A rigid milk diet is a mono-diet, which includes only milk. A mono-diet is provided for 7 days. For the correct use of the diet, a special scheme is designed, following which you can achieve the maximum effect. Depending on the needs of the body the recommended time for drinking milk is from 8 am to 8 pm.

Daily rate for each day:

  • on the first day, you should drink one glass of milk every two hours;
  • on the second day - one glass every one and a half hours;
  • the third day involves drinking milk, one glass every hour;
  • in the remaining four days you need to drink one glass of milk every half hour.

You need to get out of a rigid milk diet gradually. On the first and second days after the end of the diet (respectively, these are the 8th and 9th days after the start), in the morning we drink one glass of milk every two hours, and after dinner you can eat light vegetable salads. Then you can switch to a normal diet.

This way to get rid of extra pounds is enough effectively removes fat deposits on the abdomen. And, as you know, this is one of the most problematic areas. Combine a mono-diet with simple physical exercises and in a week you will not recognize your body.

If you doubt your abilities, you can try a shortened version of the mono-diet. It is designed for only three days, but is limited to a certain amount of milk. For each of the three days of the milk diet, there is one liter of milk. Four glasses should be drunk in four doses. You can choose the time of consumption yourself. Preferably three hours apart. In one day of such a diet, one kilogram of excess weight is lost.

light milk diet

Not all people will be able to withstand seven days of drinking only milk. For such people, a more sparing diet is offered, in which fresh milk is practically absent. In this milk diet, fresh milk is replaced with fermented milk products.

An approximate daily diet might look like this:

  • for breakfast we drink one glass of kefir, yogurt or weak tea with milk;
  • two hours later - the second breakfast, consisting of low-fat cottage cheese (200 grams);
  • you can cook for lunch light salad seasoned with kefir or yogurt, curd or curd-fruit casserole and other low-calorie dairy dishes;
  • dinner consists of one glass of tea with milk, fermented baked milk or kefir.

This diet is perceived much easier due to the ability to alternate some dairy products. Calculated lightweight milk diet for weight loss for a week. During this time, you can lose weight by 5-6 kg.

Dairy-vegetarian diet for weight loss

Such a diet is intended for those who find it very difficult to do without the usual set of products.

This is a mixed diet, which, in addition to milk, may include following products: cereal cereals, eggs, vegetable or milk soup, cheese, fresh vegetables and fruits, bran bread. From drinks, it is allowed to use mineral water, fruit or vegetable juices, compotes, jelly and tea (preferably with milk).

Dishes from these products can be cooked to your liking, combined with kefir, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, etc. Of course, you need to carefully monitor the amount of food consumed. In one go the weight of the dish should not exceed 200 gr. The interval between meals is 2-3 hours.

Dairy diet with fruits

This diet is most easily perceived by the body and allows you to lose weight in a week by 4-5 kg. In addition to the fact that the fruit and milk diet is healthy, it is also delicious.

You need to start with a neutral breakfast - unsweetened tea with the addition of milk. The second breakfast, after 2-3 hours, consists of 200 grams of fat-free cottage cheese. After the next 2-3 hours, you need to eat 200 grams of any non-acidic fruit. It can be sweet apples, pears, peaches, bananas, prunes, etc. At the next meal, we drink one glass of fermented baked milk, kefir or yogurt. The day of the fruit and milk diet ends with the intake of 200 grams of fruit.

Choice of foods for the dairy diet

To improve the body and get rid of excess weight, it is advisable to carefully choose milk and dairy products. It's best if it's natural rather than powdered milk.

Pay attention to fat content indicated on the package. The most preferred fat content of milk for a dairy diet is 5% .

Milk should not be boiled. All the most necessary and useful substances are found in fresh milk. You can heat milk to 60-70 degrees without boiling and without destroying its structure.

Since water is allowed between meals, choose still mineral water.

Milk for your beauty

In addition to the opportunity to bring your figure into excellent condition, you need to know that milk is also successfully used in cosmetology. In parallel with the milk diet for weight loss, you can tidy up your hair, skin, nails, etc.

For example, dry or split ends are restored in this way: half an hour before shampooing, apply kefir to the hair, heated to room temperature. Wrap your head with a kefir mask with a warm scarf or towel, and immediately before washing, rinse your hair with clean water.

Cottage cheese, wrapped in gauze, if you hold it for 20 minutes on tired eyelids, it relieves puffiness and relieves bags under the eyes. And mixing ground coffee, sour cream and honey, we get a wonderful body scrub. By inflicting such scrub on the skin and leaving for a few minutes, after washing off, you will see that the skin has become elastic, clean and velvety. It is no coincidence that many SPA-salons today practice such a procedure as " Cleopatra bath".

Humanity has known about the possibilities of milk since ancient times. To give their figure graceful forms and to maintain beauty, women have been using milk for many millennia.

Dairy diet for weight loss gives results that have been tested for centuries.

Soups for pancreatitis are quite a healthy dish.

After all, with an exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to reduce the load on the pancreas and not eat heavy food, and the first dish is well digested.

There are many diet recipes soups, so that with pancreatitis you can eat deliciously. Consider what soups to eat with pancreatitis and their recipes.

The diet for inflammation of the pancreas is quite strict. You can not eat not only fatty, spicy and fried, but also some cereals and vegetables, such as cabbage, legumes and millet.

Be sure to stick to diet number 5 p.

Diet soups can be divided into four categories:

  • vegetable;
  • puree soups, including cheese ones;
  • on the broth;
  • dairy first courses.

Not only the ingredients are important, but also the process of preparing the dish. It is necessary to forget about the passivation of onions and carrots, as well as the addition of spices. All components should be easily digested so that the patient does not experience pain.

The easiest to prepare is vegetable soup. It is enough to peel and cut vegetables and boil them. You can cook in light chicken broth.

It is necessary to eat the first dishes in a warm form: eating cold food can provoke an attack of pancreatitis.

Quite useful are cereal soups on the broth. By adding oatmeal to the first dish, we get sliminess, so it is seasoned with grated cheese. Quite often, buckwheat is used as cereal or rice.

To prepare puree soups, it is worth buying a blender.

Recipes for diet soups are quite simple, let's look at them in more detail.

Vegetable first courses

Vegetable soups are useful in all forms of pancreatitis.

Quite simple is the first course with potatoes, carrots and onions, which are boiled in a light vegetable broth. The cooking process takes no more than 30 minutes. This recipe is suitable for the strictest diet in the first days of an attack.

We offer the following recipes for dietary soups for pancreatitis:

  1. Potato. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients - 1.5 liters. vegetable broth, carrots, onions, 4 potatoes, 10 gr. butter and salt. Sour cream and greens are suitable for dressing. First, stew onions and carrots with water and butter. Then pour the vegetable broth, add the chopped remaining vegetables and cook for 30 minutes. Before eating, season with sour cream.
  2. Potato soup with meatballs. The cooking process is similar to the previous one, only chicken meatballs are added together with vegetables.
  3. Vegetable soup with rice grains. To stewed onions and carrots, add potatoes and about 50 gr. rice cereal. Cook in vegetable broth for about 30 minutes after boiling.
  4. Vitamin Soup. For cooking, you will need carrots, onions, 4 potatoes, a tomato, a cucumber, 2 bell pepper, butter, herbs and salt. Stew onions and carrots with butter. Add water and finely chopped vegetables. Boil 15 minutes.

There are a small number of recipes for vegetable first courses, which cannot be said about puree soups.

Puree Soup Recipes

We offer a soup recipe for pancreatitis, which is suitable for the most strict diet.


  1. Pour a small amount into a saucepan vegetable oil.
  2. We put the chopped onion and grated carrots, and simmer over low heat.
  3. Add potatoes and water.
  4. We cook 30 minutes.
  5. Grind in a blender.

While eating, crackers are added directly to the bowl with the dish, so it will be more satisfying.

Puree soups are suitable for those who are tired of the usual dietary dishes, this is an opportunity to diversify their diet.

You can even vegetable soups grind with a blender and get a completely new dish.

You can make the first dish one-component, for example, take any vegetable as the main ingredient: pumpkin, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes or zucchini.

We offer a recipe for an unusual dish with oatmeal and prunes. It comes out a little slimy.


  • 200 gr. water;
  • 30 gr. oatmeal;
  • 10 gr. butter;
  • carrot;
  • 30 gr. prunes;
  • salt.

Before cooking, prunes must be soaked in hot water for two hours. Grated carrots and chopped onion stew in butter. We wash the oatmeal from the husk, fill it with water and cook for 20 minutes. After we add vegetable stew and cook for another 10 minutes. We filter the mass through a sieve and grind with a blender. Again, fill it with broth and add the prunes cut into pieces (without water). Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

The dish is ready to eat.

fish soup recipe

Among all mashed soups, fish can be distinguished. After all, vegetable first courses quickly get bored, you want something tasty and more satisfying. Fish first course has a lot of useful substances.

For cooking, you need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of fish (better to take pike or hake);
  • 75 gr. milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 3 art. l. butter;
  • greens (parsley, dill);
  • small bulb;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • salt.

For a dish, you can take a ready-made fillet or separate the flesh from the bones yourself, be sure to rinse well to remove bitterness.

Fill the fish with water and cook, after boiling, remove the resulting foam and fat. Add chopped potatoes. Separately, stew the onion, put it in the fish broth, and also add herbs and salt. Grind the finished mass with a blender. Season with milk and cook for another two minutes. It makes a creamy soup.

Puree soups are an ideal option for dietary nutrition. They contribute to proper digestion, because they do not burden the pancreas.

It is worth noting that they can be cooked not only salty, but also sweet, for example, sweet rice or pumpkin soup. Consider the recipes for dairy first courses, which in their own way useful properties with pancreatitis, they are in second place after cream soups.

Dairy first courses

Recipes for milk soups for pancreatitis are quite diverse. As ingredients here can be cereals, vegetables and fruits.

It is worth remembering that the use of whole milk for pancreatitis is highly undesirable, but dishes prepared with milk are allowed only during remission.

Milk soup recipes:

  1. With rice.
  2. With buckwheat.
  3. Vegetable.
  4. With carrots and semolina.
  5. With oatmeal.
  6. With apples.
  7. With pumpkin and semolina.

Consider recipes for sweet first courses.

Very tasty is semolina soup with carrots.


  • 0.5 l. milk with a fat content of up to 2.5%;
  • 50 gr. water;
  • 250 gr. carrots;
  • 3 art. l. semolina;
  • 1 tsp sugar and butter;
  • salt.

Carrots must be cut into rings and stewed with water until tender, then chopped in a blender. Gradually add to boiling milk semolina be sure to stir, otherwise lumps will form. Cook for about 10 minutes. Then pour out the carrots, add salt and sugar, and boil for another 5 minutes. Season the finished dish with oil.

Buckwheat milk sweet soup is also easy to prepare, the recipe is as follows:

  1. 3 art. l. Sort buckwheat groats, wash and boil in salted water until tender.
  2. Pour porridge with hot 0.5 l. low fat milk.
  3. Add 1 tsp. sugar and 1 tsp. butter, cook until done.

Apple milk soup is also quite tasty.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 l. milk;
  • 200 gr. apples
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 1/3 tsp starch;
  • chicken yolk;
  • salt.

This dish is more suitable as a dessert.

To prepare apples, peel, cut into cubes, stew with water and sugar. At this time, grind the yolk with sugar, starch and add about 100 gr. milk. Pour boiling milk into this mass. After cooling, add apples.

The finished dish can be rubbed through a sieve or chopped in a blender.

Diet chicken soup

People who have had acute pancreatitis need to stick to a strict diet for some time. Patients with a chronic form of the disease need to follow the diet constantly.

Although chicken meat with pancreatitis is on the list of prohibited ones, during remission, chicken first courses can be prepared.

In doing so, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. First courses cannot be prepared from young chicken meat.
  2. It is advisable to use chicken fillet, it does not have skin, tendons and fats.
  3. Boil the meat for at least 20 minutes, after which the broth is drained, and the meat is poured with clean water. Continue to cook for about half an hour. Cooking first courses with such a disease is possible only on the second broth.
  4. The finished broth is salted and greens are added to it, sometimes seasoned with sour cream. For soup, vegetables or cereals are added to it.

For patients with inflammation of the pancreas, there are many recipes for first courses. But not everyone can be suitable for a particular patient, because you need to take into account the course of the disease and the presence of exacerbations. It is advisable to consult a doctor who monitors nutrition, without his permission it is impossible to deviate from the diet. This is especially true for cream and milk, which are allowed only to a few.

Nutritionists have developed a huge number of weight loss diets, but not all of them are equally effective and safe. The dairy diet is a universal dietary option that is suitable for people of all ages and does not have a negative impact on health.

Is it possible to lose weight on a dairy diet?

A diet based on one or two similar foods is called a mono-diet. On such diets, rapid weight loss occurs, but weight loss is due to a decrease in muscle mass, and not due to a decrease in fat. Mono-diets include milk nutrition. For a few days of following such a diet, you can lose up to 3 kilograms of weight. Unlike other mono-diets, milk for weight loss helps the body to receive important nutrients and it is easier to endure diet days.

Dairy diets for fast weight loss

So that the body does not experience stress during the milk mono-diet, it is recommended to add other types of products to the menu for this type of nutrition. More often they are introduced into the dairy diet, so a dairy diet for weight loss can look like this:

  • milk mono-diet;
  • dairy-vegetarian diet;
  • milk-banana diet;
  • milk-fruit diet;
  • milk-curd diet;
  • dairy and vegetable diet.

A variety of types of dairy diets makes it possible to choose one that is more suitable for a particular organism. If a person is difficult to tolerate diets, then preference should be given to those types that contain a greater variety of products. The lightest of these diets are considered to be milk-vegetable and milk-curd diets, more complex - milk mono-diet.

banana milk diet

Banana-milk diet allows you to combine bananas and milk in your diet. Bananas are an additional source of nutrients that have a positive effect on the digestive and vascular systems. Banana-milk diet for 3 days consists of a daily intake of 0.75 liters of dairy products, 350 g of bananas, a glass of herbal tea and 2 liters of pure water. It is necessary to drink water in such quantity, as it helps to remove harmful substances from the body and speed up metabolism.

In this form, we are talking about the use of fresh milk. If the digestive system reacts negatively to fresh milk, then you can replace it with fermented milk products. You can also use kefir and fermented baked milk instead of milk if the diet is difficult to tolerate. It is allowed to alternate fresh milk and dairy products. Weight loss with milk helps to get rid of 2-3 kg of weight in 3 days.

Dairy-vegetarian diet

The dairy-vegetarian diet lasts for a week and allows you to lose up to 3 kg of excess weight. A dairy-vegetarian diet, the menu of which contains bread, vegetables, fruits and cottage cheese, is more easily tolerated than other types of dairy diet. The allowed amount of food should be distributed throughout the day so that you eat every 3-4 hours. In between meals, you should drink plenty of clean water. The diet includes:

  • low-fat milk - 250-300 ml;
  • vegetable broth in unlimited quantities;
  • vegetable salad without dressing - 350 g;
  • fruit cocktail - 250 g;
  • bran bread - 1 slice;
  • cottage cheese - 50 g;
  • green tea without sugar in any quantity.

Dairy-curd diet

A diet based on dairy products with cottage cheese can last from three to five days. The five-day diet promotes not only weight loss, but also the cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract. The diet on milk and cottage cheese looks like this:

  • breakfast: a glass of natural yogurt or biokefir, any one non-caloric fruit;
  • lunch: 100 g of porridge, 100 g of cottage cheese, a glass of fresh milk;
  • dinner: boiled egg, piece cottage cheese casserole(a day later, this lunch is replaced by a portion of vegetable salad seasoned with yogurt), a glass of fermented baked milk;
  • dinner: a glass of low-percentage kefir.

Milk soup- a valuable source of protein, vitamins and essential amino acids. In addition, such a dish is low-calorie, which cannot but rejoice those who want to lose weight. There is a huge variety of recipes: milk soup with pasta, vegetables, dumplings.

Benefits for the body

Milk-based dishes are recommended for both adults and children. They reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, improve vascular elasticity, strengthen vision, relieve swelling, lower blood pressure, and normalize stomach acidity. Milk contains calcium for bone growth and strengthening, as well as iodine, potassium, B vitamins, vitamins A, D, zinc and magnesium.
Milk soups help to remove excess fluid from the body, thereby eliminating swelling. They also help with hypertension, atherosclerosis, chronic diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
Milk does not increase the secretion of gastric juice. It forms a protective film on the walls of the stomach and partially neutralizes the aggressive effects of gastric juice. That is why milk dishes should be present in the diet of people suffering from diseases such as peptic ulcer and gastritis with high acidity.

Milk soup is included in diets No. 1, 5a, 5p, 5, 7-10,11, 15.

Milk is contraindicated in people with lactose intolerance. It is also called milk sugar. Lactose is an excellent source of energy and a stimulant of the nervous system. This substance maintains the normal state of the intestinal microflora and ensures the exchange of calcium in the body. However, 20% of the population does not digest it.
The lactase enzyme breaks down lactose into two components: glucose and galactose. Milk intolerance occurs due to the low activity of this enzyme. Lactose is retained in the body and the fermentation process begins, which leads to gastrointestinal disorders: heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region and symptoms of intestinal upset. People with milk intolerance should use lactose-free milk to make milk soups.


Some people are naturally sensitive to milk protein. In such cases, for the preparation of dishes and drinks, milk is diluted with boiling water.
Milk protein contains essential amino acids, i.e. amino acids that the body must obtain from food. Insufficient intake of these substances in the body leads to dysfunction of the nervous system and to growth arrest. That is why milk and dishes from it are so useful for children.
Studies show that people who eat a bowl of soup every day lose weight much faster than those who prefer snacks. Liquid foods quickly fill the stomach, and, therefore, saturate faster. However, do not forget that the calorie content depends on the composition. Milk soup with dumplings is not as dietary as, for example, milk soup with vermicelli.

The most famous recipes

The properties and benefits of the dish depend on what ingredients are used. For example, milk soup with rice does not contain gluten, which means that it can be eaten by allergy sufferers and young children. Rice is a source of B vitamins, essential for the health of the nervous system. Most of all, rice contains potassium, which plays an important role in maintaining normal pressure in the body.
Milk soup with buckwheat is able to speed up metabolism (metabolism), thanks to the beneficial properties of buckwheat. It is not for nothing that many celebrities lose weight with the help of this porridge. In addition, buckwheat contains macro- and microelements necessary for the human body: iodine, iron, phosphorus, copper, vitamins E and PP. The protein of buckwheat porridge is practically not inferior to meat.
Milk soup with dumplings will appeal to young children. If you make the dough more liquid, then the dumplings will melt in your mouth. In addition, such a dish quickly saturates. Dumplings contain the substance choline (vitamin B4) - the main building material for the human brain, as well as many vitamins (A, B, D, E, H and PP) and minerals (potassium, calcium, selenium, iron, iodine, fluorine, phosphorus and many others).
Milk soup with pasta is a familiar recipe from childhood. This dish was also eaten kindergarten, and at school. However, as well as milk soup with vermicelli. Pasta must be made from wheat durum varieties: they contain little starch and a fairly large amount of vitamins. Pasta made from soft wheat varieties is not only useless, but will also help you gain a couple of extra pounds.
To make the dish more healthy and dietary, you should give up sugar and butter. It is better to choose a healthy alternative - natural bee honey. You also need to be careful with salt: too salty food contributes to fluid retention in the body and the appearance of edema.

Milk soup with vermicelli

Calorie content per 100 g of the finished dish: 110 kcal; proteins - 4.5 g, fats - 2.9 g, carbohydrates - 16.4 g.

- 0.5 cups of vermicelli (cobweb);
- 0.5 liters of milk;
- water;
- salt.



  • To prevent the milk from burning, first pour a little water into the pan.
  • It may seem that there are few cobwebs. However, do not forget that it swells a lot. Milk soup with vermicelli should be quite liquid.
  1. Boil milk, add sugar and salt.
  2. Gently pour in the vermicelli, stirring constantly so that lumps do not form.
  3. Cook for 5-7 minutes over low heat until tender, stirring constantly. Pour into bowls, add butter.

Milk soup with pasta

For this recipe, you can use any pasta, except for vermicelli: spirals, shells, noodles.

Milk soup with pasta is suitable not only for lunch, but also for breakfast. This dish is prepared very quickly and provides strength and energy for the whole day.

Calorie content per 100 g of the finished dish: 113.8 kcal; proteins - 4.6 g, fats - 2.7 g, carbohydrates - 18.9 g.

- 0.7 liters of milk;
- 200 g pasta;
- water;
- salt.


  1. Boil macaroni in salted water. Throw in a colander, add butter so as not to stick together.
  2. Warm up the milk. Add pasta, sugar, salt, mix, bring to a boil.

Milk soup with pasta perfectly complements white bread sandwiches with cheese and butter. If there are no contraindications

Milk soup with rice

Calorie content per 100 g of the finished dish: 73.8 kcal; proteins - 3.2 g, fats - 3.11 g, carbohydrates - 8.77 g.

- 0.4 liters of milk;
- 30 g of rice;
- 100 ml of water;
- salt.


  1. Rinse rice thoroughly, add water and put on fire. After the water boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. Bring the milk to a boil, pour into the cooked rice. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. Salt, if desired, you can add sugar, butter.

Milk soup with rice is an excellent remedy for swelling. It is recommended for people with kidney disease.

Milk soup with buckwheat

Calorie content per 100 g of the finished dish: 163.0 kcal; proteins - 6.9 g, fats - 3.2 g, carbohydrates - 28.3 g.

- 0.5 liters of milk;
- 350 g of buckwheat;
- salt.

Milk soup with buckwheat will be especially tasty if the cereal is calcined in a pan before cooking.


  1. Boil buckwheat.
  2. Add milk, salt, sugar to the finished buckwheat porridge. Boil.

Milk soup with dumplings

Calorie content per 100 g of the finished dish: 107.7 kcal; proteins - 4.5 g, fats - 3.9 g, carbohydrates - 14.6 g.

a liter of milk;
cup wheat flour top grade;
0.5 tbsp butter.


  1. Grind the egg and 0.5 tbsp. butter, add flour, mix. Add water to the consistency of sour cream, mix.
  2. Bring milk to a boil. Moisten a teaspoon in hot milk, collect the dough and add to boiling milk.
  3. Cook dumplings covered for 4-5 minutes. Add salt, sugar, oil if desired.

Milk soup with vegetables

Calorie content per 100 g of the finished dish: 88.8 kcal; proteins - 5.5 g, fats - 1.8 g, carbohydrates - 13.8 g.

1 liter of milk;
400 g potatoes;
350 g broccoli;
100 g carrots;
300 g fresh or frozen green peas;
400 ml of water;


  • Carrot cut into cubes. Add a drop of vegetable oil to a heated frying pan, put the carrots. Saute over low heat until the oil turns brown.
  • Disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, cut the potatoes into cubes.
  • Boil water, salt. Add vegetable ingredients. Cook over low heat until half cooked.
  • Boil milk, add to vegetables. Cook until done.
  • A few minutes before the readiness, add green peas, let it boil. Cover with a lid, let it brew for 15 minutes.

To get rid of extra pounds and keep fit always, it is important to eat right. Healthy food not only helps to look good, but also heals the body. Proper nutrition can be delicious! It is easy to prepare such dishes. It is important to use only dietary components.

First meals for weight loss

Dieting is important wisely. If you simply refuse all food or eat only greens and dry food, you can greatly harm the stomach. The first dishes should always be eaten, in particular, on a diet. Of course, fatty cabbage soup and rich borscht are not worth eating, but dietary soups are only beneficial.

To make the first dish dietary, you should not add potatoes and meat there. Ideal for losing weight milk soup. It contains many useful trace elements and perfectly saturates. Milk is good for the body, it makes our teeth, bones, hair and nails strong.

Milk soup is suitable for different diets, it all depends on the other components. If it contains noodles or cereals, then it should be consumed on carbohydrate diets. If it contains only milk and light vegetables - on protein. Milk has a lot of protein, which is why it is so useful. This soup is very easy to make.


This dish is familiar to us since childhood, it was often served in kindergartens and schools. However, these recipes were full of calories because they used butter, full fat milk, lots of noodles. Now you can cook this healthy dish with much fewer calories from healthy ingredients. It will be very tasty and healthy.

with vermicelli

Despite the fact that this recipe includes vermicelli, it is dietary. It has only 110 calories per 100 g. It is better to eat it in the morning.

You will need:

  • thin vermicelli - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • low-fat milk - 500 ml;
  • water;
  • salt.

How to cook:

Step 1. Boil milk and add salt to it. You can add a sweetener tablet if you like a sweeter soup.

Step 2 Pour the vermicelli in a thin stream, constantly stirring the milk. There should be no lumps. If it seemed to you that there was too little vermicelli, do not worry. It will swell a lot when cooked. In addition, the consistency of milk soup should be liquid. It's not a second course, though.

Step 3 Simmer this soup on low heat for about 5 minutes. Stir it constantly.

Important! Rinse the pot first cold water and then add milk. It will create a layer, and the soup will not burn.

with buckwheat

This is a very tasty and healthy soup. It can be used by people with stomach problems. The dish will bring great benefits to the body. It is better to eat it in the morning.

You will need:

  • skimmed milk - 400 ml;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • olive oil;
  • buckwheat - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sweetener.

How to cook:

Step 1. Rinse buckwheat under cold water, boil in salt water until half cooked.

Step 2 Boil the milk, remove the foam, Add salt and sweetener, a drop of olive oil. Pour it all into buckwheat.

Step 3 Boil the soup until the cereal is ready.

With vegetables

This dish is the most dietary, you can eat it even at night. It is suitable for a protein diet. It has only 40 calories per 100 g.

You will need:

  • cauliflower - 500 g;
  • low fat milk - 1 l;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • green peas - 280 g;
  • salt.

How to cook:

Step 1. Wash and clean carrots. Cut it into small cubes with a knife. Fry in a little olive oil.

Step 2 cauliflower wash, divide into inflorescences, rinse them with running cold water.

Step 3 Put the milk on the stove, wait for it to boil, remove the foam.

Step 4 Separately, bring water to a boil, salt it and put the cabbage there. Wait until everything boils again. Add fried carrots to it. Boil until vegetables are half cooked.

Step 5 Pour hot milk into water with vegetables. Bring on the soup. At the very end, add green pea, bring to a strong boil and insist under the lid for 15 minutes.

With pumpkin and semolina

The dish is very original. Thick texture and beautiful color make it a real table decoration. It is better to eat it in the morning.

You will need:

  • sweetener;
  • olive oil;
  • pumpkin - 500 g;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

How to cook:

Step 1. First of all, cut the pumpkin into small cubes.

Step 2 Pour a little water into the bottom of the pan, then pour milk into it and bring to a boil. Remove foam.

Step 3 Place pumpkin in boiling milk. Cook until it is half done.

Step 4 Add sweetener, salt and semolina to the pumpkin-milk mixture. Cook until done. Let the soup stand covered for a while.

with apples

This soup is almost dessert. It is delicious and the whole family will love it. Preparing it is quite simple.

You will need:

  • sweetener;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • starch;
  • low fat milk - 500 ml;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • salt.

How to cook:

Step 1. Rinse the apple and peel it off. Remove the seeds too. Finely cut it into squares. Fry in a small amount of water in a non-stick frying pan. Add sweetener to this water.

Step 2 Separate the white from the yolk. Protein is not needed in this recipe. Mash the yolk with starch and a little milk.

Step 3 Boil the milk, remove the foam, mix with the egg mixture. Strain and refrigerate.

Step 4 Combine cool milk with apples. Mix everything.

Peculiarity! If you like soups with a smooth consistency, you can make apple puree soup with a blender.

To make the soup dietary, always choose milk with a minimum fat content. To reduce the calorie content of milk, you can dilute it by half with water. Tasty soup It will work if you follow the following guidelines:

  1. Always skim the foam off the milk. This is a coagulated protein that the body does not need at all. Plus, a lot of people don't like it.
  2. To prevent the milk from burning, always pour some cold water into the pan.
  3. Do not boil milk soup in an enamel pot. Much better than regular aluminum. And even better would be non-stick.
  4. Do not put a lot of vermicelli in the soup, it is high in calories and swells a lot. If you put in a large amount, you may not end up with a soup, but a second course.
  5. If there is sugar in the recipe, use a sweetener instead. It is completely calorie-free and will not harm the body. The safest sweetener is based on stevia.


Milk soup is a dish familiar to us from childhood. The soup is full of vitamins and minerals. To make it dietary, you need to use milk with a minimum fat content. There is milk soup with vegetables, apples, cereals and noodles. To make it tasty, it is important to follow all the tips exactly, as well as the proportions.

Milk soup can be eaten both hot and cold. Sweet varieties are usually eaten cold. The dish is prepared very simply, and the benefits of it are invaluable. You can eat it on a diet, in which case you will not get better. It will help to heal the body and restore the stomach.

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